It not донат if it is not a pity to you send it is sensitive money for server development if want send, it especially individually, and it is not obligatory, here yandex a purse the Account number
Elf/relict +4 = 500rub/40$
Elf/relict +5 = 1500rub/60$
Elf/relict +6 = 2500руб/150$
55 Lv = 150руб./5$
НГ Costume jewellery 1шт. = 250руб/9$
60 Shmot стринт фул a set +6 = 1500руб/150$
60 Shmot стринт фул a set +5 = 700руб/60$
60 Shmot инта фул a set +5 = 400руб/30$
60 Shmot инта фул a set +6 = 600руб/30$
Singing emerald = 300руб/10$
Allows you to see that write other races
+ you can write a chat in races
Фулл a set дд бижи 600 roubles/20$
Other any бижа 100 roubles/4$
Талики on 50 roubles 3 stacks/2$
Т5 5 stacks of 50 roubles/2$
Инт +7 - 200 rivers/7$
It is necessary to send into account 41001421111833 having specified the account and that is bought, or to write to me in скайп riddikuss or ася 492949614
Remember! We buy nothing, you sell nothing. You help a server with that measure, in what server can help you. The exchange admits equivalent and it is considered gratuitous charity. Not what claims concerning safety, quality, we do not accept guarantees. We do not give any guarantees. If you do not agree with the above-stated - leave from a server!